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Wear your favourite essential oils every day in a ‘tree of life’ bracelet from Amour Natural. Beautifully crafted using premium stainless steel, they are hypoallergenic and won’t discolour with age. The pendants open up like a locket, simply put a few drops of essential oil on the felt pad (each box contains 5 felt pads) and place the pad inside the pendant to enjoy the fragrance and power of essential oils all day.

These bracelets would make wonderful gifts – and starting at only £13.45 you can afford to treat a few of your loved ones – and we also have a wide range of Amour Natural Essential Oils to lift every mood and spirit.

Here’s a list of the popular essential oils and the health claims associated with them:

Frankincense: supports and soothes the mind, body and soul

• Myrrh: helps create tranquillity and calmness

• Cedarwood: improves focus and memory

• Vetiver: increases energy, relieves anxiety and nervousness

• Ylang-Ylang: enhances mood, headaches, nausea and skin conditions

• Lavender: reduces anxiety, heals emotional stress and relieves pain

• Neroli: helps face your fears and inspires creativity

• Rose Geranium: opens the heart for love and anti-inflammatory

• Bergamot: reduces stress and improves skin conditions like eczema

• Sandalwood: emotional healing, calmness and clarity

• Peppermint: boosts energy and helps with digestion

• Chamomile: improves mood and relaxation

• Tea Tree: fights infections and boosts immunity

• Jasmine: helps with depression, childbirth and libido

• Lemon: aids digestion, mood, headaches and more