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‘Boil Your Bones’ to build up your immune system

The Hemsley sisters seem to have made the humble broth fashionable again. It now seems everyone is waxing lyrical about the outstanding health benefits of stock made from boiling bones but this is nothing new, the sisters have just brought it to our attention and we must be grateful.

The nutrients that give bones and cartilage their strength and structure are innately good for us too. Boiling them up for hours encourages the breakdown and extraction of these nutrients, leaving a nutrient dense drink that contains easily absorbable goodness.

It really is the perfect and most comforting antidote to drink for a cold or flu systems as the broth made from bone marrow, skin and cartilage is a particularly rich source of glycine and proline that help to support the production of white blood cells – basically helps to build up a weak immune system so you need to get boiling and no throwing away of any bones.

Use good quality bones as the better the animal has been looked after the healthier they tend to be. Chuck your post-roast bones in large pan, or better still a slow-cooker, add a splash or two of apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice, chopped up onion, a carrot or two – you could also add chopped up fennel or celery (and the leaves) and ginger and chilli for a more warming broth – 1 tbsp black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, bunch of fresh herbs, and pour over cold water, enough to cover the bones by 5cm.

Cover with a lid and bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for at least 12 hours, longer for beef or lamb, the longer the bones simmer, the more nutrients are released.

Strain the liquid and drink immediately or leave to cool before storing. You can also freeze in batches, ice-cube trays are a great idea, to add to soups, stews or a base to cook grains and pulses.

You can thank us when you are better but you’re welcome!