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Start your day the right way, with breakfast!

Do you start your day with a good healthy breakfast? Or run out the house with a piece of toast hanging out your mouth or skip breakfast completely? If the latter, you will probably find yourself craving more caffeine and sugar to get you through to lunch, which will be doing your glucose levels no good and you are more than likely seeing your weight increase too.

Breakfast restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many studies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and how it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels.

Health coach and cook, Jennifer Moore, really knows the importance of a healthy breakfast. She claims that her ‘4 breakfasts you need to eat now’ will change your life as they fill you up, stop you snacking and give you lots of energy along with some serious nourishment. And the best news, they don’t take long to make you just need to be organised and committed to making yourself feel the best you possibly can, you deserve that – we all do.

Sign up to Jenn’s newsletters and you will receive a FREE guide to 21 Healthy Breakfasts, now there is no excuse to skip breakfast!