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We now all need something to look forward to when we wake up to these darker and colder mornings. Our answer is a homemade bowl of porridge. Not only is the feeling of warmth spreading through your body almost unbeatable, but porridge is also highly recommended by diet experts because of its great nutritional profile. Oats are full of protein and rich in B vitamins which keep you energised. Furthermore, this breakfast favourite is also a great source of complex carbohydrates to keep tummy rumbles at bay; it is also easy on the digestive system.

We have a variety of oats, including gluten-free, for you to cook up with your choice of milk – we also stock a great selection of non-dairy milks such as soy, almond, coconut and rice – to make your creamy bowl of goodness. And with the range of toppings we offer, (check out our Unpackaged Zero Waste System, not only a more sustainable way to shop but so much choice) you simply can’t get bored of it every morning. Mix it up with chopped dried fruit and nuts, seeds, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar or superfood powders – the options are endless, and your mornings will be all the more bearable.


Power up your diet with this purple superfruit. Blueberries are low-calorie and help to stabilise blood sugar levels as they slow down digestion. Not to mention the fact that they contain antioxidant anthocyanins which fight premature ageing and help to fend off any seasonal colds and flu, plus they taste amazing and are a perfect topping on your porridge!


Complex carbohydrates, fibre and B vitamins; what’s not to love about bananas? Another great topping on your porridge but also an easy portable snack, making them a good mid-morning or mid-afternoon energy-booster.